Friday 14 November 2014

Chasing the rainbow

A girl has got to chase,
A lovely rainbow straying by,
With dazzling shades that spurs her into song,
Warm colours that make her flush,
Cool hues that make her sigh,
Of fantasies hot as the burning sun.

She has to chase,
That rainbow that's so rare,
She cannot shy,
She has to pry,
Unravel its secret,
Why does it look so good?
Why does it make her restless?

However far it seems,
She has to reach harder,
Build a ladder if she may,
Grow wings if she can.
For the rainbow cannot fade away,
As she stands undecided at bay.

A rainbow can't be molded from clay,
It's a gift from the heavens,
To be grabbed without delay,
To give calm to warm desires,
To calm the soul's mounting storms.

If she does catch that rainbow,
Seize its heart with a grip unknown,
Then she should be proud,
For many saw but walked,
Others tried but lost,
Yet she chased and found,
The greatest treasure that doesn't cost a pound.

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