Wednesday 26 November 2014

Easy Child

Sweet child,
Why do you let the sadness pile in your young eyes?
Why do you cast down your face,
So low that life hardly sees you?
Why do you worry so much that you don't celebrate the good today?
Why do you let negativity wash the hope away?
Why do you resist the change that will make you grow?
Where is the glow?
Why does the sun shine yet you remain cold?
How long will you sit back and feel sorry for yourself?
Will you let your dreams mold?
Will you always hold,
Grudges, bitterness and hate?
Can you let all the emotion flow?
Cry child!
None will laugh.
For we all have been there,
We moved on.
Be kind to your heart child!
It is fragile,
It can crumble.
Be generous to your skin,
It can wrinkle,
It can wear.
Don't frown,
Don't look down!
Learn to accept,
The pleasures and sorrows of life,
The angels and devils in men.
Create a filter,
That takes the good,
Letting it in for a better tomorrow.
That separates the evil,
The anchor that will leave you stuck forever.
You were meant to be great.
Even in times of weakness,
You remain a born winner!

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