Tuesday 21 October 2014

On this Mashujaa Day

Who is your hero?
Who is that heroine?
The citizens everyone knows,
A citizen only you know
Blame it on the selective media,
The often aggressive media-a two-sided mirror!
Who be your hero?
Are you the heroine?
That beat the deadly cancer.
That raised a gentleman with scraps and crumbs.
The hero who nurtured that talent,
The skill that lay stunted.
Do you know him?
Do you oh friends,
Know the family that stands besides,
Newborns with strange disorders?
Do you know
The labour unions out on the streets,
Fighting for decent pay slips?
Have you caught wind,
Of midwives brave and kind,
Changing infant mortality statistics?
Have you heard of a heroine,
Running the campaign: beyondzero?
Do you care for heroes,
That write about heroes,
Forsaken and beleft?
That write about the wrongs in society,
Fathers who molest their daughters,
Bitter women who abuse helpless men?
I am talking to you,
You who censures and heckles,
Men and women who stand forlon,
Right in their insight,
Yet they don't wiggle!
You who runs scared,
In the light of challenging times.
You who has shamelessly refused,
To be a hero,
To be different.

Who is your hero?
Have you lauded that hero,
Or do you just lie on your pillow,
forgetting you are who you are,
Because someone stood for you,
Walked beside you,
Prayed for you,
Pushed you,
To the greatness you reside in today?
Do you not realise,
The world is a better place because of heroes,
The courageous people who refuse to be typical,
Common as any weed in the garden, Easily frightened like street mongrels,
That scramble for the web they haven't spanned?

What stops you from being the hero she needs?
What holds you from crowning the hero that is?
The hero that was?