Friday, 1 May 2015

Fake Kenyans

I looked around,
Everything so right and sound,
Borrowed and bound,
In a culture we found,
Never ours,
Never sound.

We have failed to see,
We have refused to be,
To be us,
Original in our tasks,
Firm in our believes,
True to what we are,
True to whom we are supposed to be.

Like the ancient Egyptians,
So we should emulate.
For why should a culture,
Dead and past,
Be so intriguing in modern times?
Why is it still mysterious?

The world in which we live bears strong influence,
The world in which we live bears little sense.
What happened to diversification?
Do we need total globalisation?
Most of all, what happened to originality?

I see two kinds of people,
Those who lead,
Those who follow.
Those who invent,
Those who use other's inventions.
Those who create,
Those who copy!

Dear Kenyans,
Can we be original?
Drop the fake English accents?
Create new recipes?
Create new dance moves?
Make our own movies?
Create inventions to solve our own problems?
Stick to our natural hair?
I believe it is time for an identity check.
A wildlife and marathon identity is not gonna cut it!

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