Friday 16 June 2017

Nothing Can Save Me Now

You were my Knight in shining armor,
You saved me, you made me.
You captured my heart, my soul,
My everything.
You were my sole source of light,
And you still are, every day and every night.
I knew then as I know now,
Nothing can save me.

Caught in your snares,
Enthralled in your masculine wares,
I am the fool that fell,
I am the clown that keeps falling.
I am forever following your baritone bell.
I am forever seeking your expensive musk,
Enticed by your carefree nature.
Nothing can save me now.

I built castles around your eyes,
I threw caution to the wind,
And chose to allow me be bound.
I thought, nothing good comes easy.
And even when he suffocates me, pushes me to the edge,
I know that no one can save me.

He was my savior,
I can expect no other.
I have learnt to channel the hurt, it is no longer a bother.
And perhaps when things get better,
When his love is deep inside me,
When his love is so bright I cannot see,
I will shed a tear or two,
Thinking how glad I am that nothing can save me!

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