Sunday, 15 January 2017


Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock....
The clock persisted,
Tick,tick, tock,tick, tock,
The hands clapped,
Almost in a cold mock,
Tick,tick,tick, tick.....
The hour called,
"Time to end the crawl madam," the clock chimed. "Wash your claws for the watch is over."

The watch was ended,
The mind was learned,
Crafted and trained in the ways of the world,
It was time to act, a time to be,
So I dorned my cloak,
And went out to save the world,
To save myself.

My first step was on the roadside,
Passing on wares for a decent price.
I couldn't have been anymore down to earth than I was then,
Out of control, eating dust and baking under an unforgiving sun.
Walking was harder than I had imagined.

My second step took me online,
It was cooler, nobler and cleaner.
Delivery after delivery made my legs as strong as an athlete's,
And before I knew it,
I was on television calling the shots on my own show.

Walking was harder still,
I was making a kill,
Shit was moving fast,
I was literally on my toes,
Desperately trying to keep up.

What had been a walk,
Was now the talk,
And the talk got me jogging,
Then running,
Eventually racing,
I was sweating notes,
Juggling shit-loads,
Purchasing boats,
Cruising from coast to coast,
I was the business,
The one who had learned the walk.

Tick, tick,tick,tick, tick...
The clock cried,
Snapping me from my hypnotic state,
"No!" I cried realising that I was still on my hands and knees.

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