Thursday 28 April 2016


Who is fair in manners and looks,
Gifted with sense, senses and quick reprieve;
Who is soft and strong,
And forever recalls,
Trifling and high impact aspects alike;
I am extremely humbled,
In every aspect,
Subtle and explicit.

I see clearer than I ever did,
I feel gratified towards every evil deed,
Done upon me,
Thought in my regard.
To think that something cold could warm my heart so,
Must be in every way unimaginable!
I am humbled for this very reason.

Nothing gives me greater pleasure,
Fair madam,
Than to make your acquittance.
You are a reflection of the strength I always envied,
Of the gift I felt almost denied.
You have made me find purpose in a polluted world.
I am but considerably humbled.

I look forward to every evil,
Previously feared!
I wish that every word against me be said two fold.
Cast thy stone upon me
Oh dear foe,
So that my blessings may come by the triple!

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