Tuesday, 20 October 2015

The unsatiables

With bands gold and bold,
The unsatiables,
Both green and old,
Stray unperturbed,
With hearts cold as death,
Forever taking,
Never ever giving.

The unsatiables roam the earth,
Free and uncaring.
They do as they please,
As any annual wind,
Blowing here and there, 
Sometimes hot,
Sometimes cold.

They have been North and South,
In oceans deep,
And ponds shallow,
Whispered breezes they couldn't keep,
Made a clear day weep.
Such huge appetites!

They seek young blood,
The fountain of youth,
Necessary to Iron out the wrinkles of lifelong ties,
Actions that result in bucketful lies,
What a shame,
To be so unsatiable and lame.

Monday, 19 October 2015


I thought of love in the wake of pouring showers,
Pounding on my shelter's head like voodoo drummers.
The beats awakened passion, want and forgiveness.
I was weak and soft,
So opened up like the clouds at the moment.
I saw love in God's light,
Patched rags warmer than any fur.

I thought of love bearing a needle and thread,
My heart in hand,
My head buried in sand.
My eyes  were soaked in a hate more than the stitches.
I saw love through man's sight,
An apple and a slimy serpent.